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Avfall Sverige in collaboration with the UN

Avfall Sverige in collaboration with the UN

Swedish waste management is world-leading in several respects, and many of the municipal innovations can contribute to the development of sustainable waste management in other countries as well. This is one of the reasons why Avfall SVerige has been given a unique mission by the United Nations Development Programme, UNDP, to support the global development of sustainable waste management and waste prevention. A first part has been completed, but now the collaboration continues within the framework of a joint memorandum of understanding.

The first part was a pilot project that involved municipalities in four continents; Tianjin in China, five municipalities in Costa Rica and Kigali in Rwanda, together with five municipalities in Sweden. The project mapped the challenges the foreign municipalities are facing and information was shared about Swedish solutions to improve waste management. The results are summarized in a report.

During 2022, the collaboration was thus expanded by Avfall Sweden and UNDP signing a memorandum of understanding. The agreement means that several municipal members, together with other cooperation partners in Sweden and abroad, can offer municipalities around the world knowledge and technical advice regarding infrastructure, finance, political governance, communication and administration.

New digital training around sustainable waste management

The issue of waste is becoming increasingly important everywhere in the world, affecting our environment, communities and our health. Taking care of waste, both by preventing it and managing it effectively, is not only an ambitious goal but a necessary action. By implementing measures to reduce the amount of waste produced while reusing and recycling the materials and products that already exist, cities can minimize their local and global environmental impact.

Avfall Sverige has, together with the UN Development Programme, UNDP, and Smart City Sweden, produced a digital training course on sustainable waste management. The course provides a basic understanding of sustainable waste management, with practical examples. The goal is to give both decision makers and professionals in the industry in developing countries, knowledge and tools to work with waste management in a sustainable way and to reduce the amount of waste that occurs.

The e-learning course you will find here

For more information, contact Weine Wiqvist, Senior Advisor Avfall Sverige,

Read the report about our project with UNDP

Senast uppdaterad - 2025-03-25